#acl JonathanMcDowell:read,write,admin All:read Things I need to do (SimonHuggins suggested I make lists, let's see how it goes): * JTAGfest * Fix Dave's Journada * Linksys WMA11B * Netgear DG834G * Build OpenWRT with 2.6 kernel and test. * Amstrad E3 * Check current 2.6 compiles * Fix up u-boot patch and resubmit * Balloon2 * Deal with rmk's 2.6 review comments and resubmit. * ADSL * Further Conexant PCI hackery. * Calendaring * Write design doc * [[http://www.earth.li/projectpurple/progs/onak.html|onak]] * Verify keys (minimum of self sig; also against other known keys?) * Try to do gossip support? * Better docs. * Cope better with multiple accesses. Things I actually did: * [[http://www.earth.li/projectpurple/progs/onak.html|onak]] * Fix PPC dlopen issue with variable scope. * Balloon2 * Forward port 2.6 patches to latest kernel for submission * Try to get audio/large page devices for further testing. * JTAGfest * Build cable. * BT Home Hub