Differences between revisions 20 and 30 (spanning 10 versions)
Revision 20 as of 2006-08-20 08:09:58
Size: 193
Editor: p15201384
Revision 30 as of 2006-08-27 14:04:39
Size: 305
Editor: 208
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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BLUG - Belfast Linux User Group. #pragma section-numbers off
["LUGs"] > ["BLUG"]
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A bunch of Belfast hackers, a noisy mailing list, a (less broken) broken website (at http://www.belfastlinux.org/). = BLUG - Belfast Linux User Group =
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A ["BLUGXmasDinner"] is coming soon. The group had been mostly dead for a couple of years: the website was broken and the mailing list was quiet. But BLUG 2.0 has just started (2005-11-08) so the website should return before the ["BLUGXmasDinner"].

["LUGs"] > ["BLUG"]

BLUG - Belfast Linux User Group

The group had been mostly dead for a couple of years: the website was broken and the mailing list was quiet. But BLUG 2.0 has just started (2005-11-08) so the website should return before the ["BLUGXmasDinner"].

TheEarthWiki: BLUG (last edited 2008-02-19 15:39:15 by localhost)