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2025-01-12 | |||||
Earthlings Birthday Meal2025 | 17:49 | StephenWhite | |||
2024-12-12 | |||||
Debconf Travel2025 | 08:51 | JonathanMcDowell | I booked flights. | ||
2024-11-23 | |||||
Earthlings Birthday Meal2024 | 20:53 | DaveHiggins [1-2] | |||
EarthlingsInfo | 20:43 | DaveHiggins | |||
2024-09-04 | |||||
DebianParty2024 | 11:30 | SteveMcIntyre | |||
2024-08-09 | |||||
DebianUK | 09:32 | JonathanWiltshire | |||
2024-01-15 | |||||
KnownGroup | 09:42 | JonathanMcDowell | Add grifferz | ||
2024-01-12 | |||||
FOSDEM2024 | 13:04 | EdwardBetts [1-2] | #01 Update my accommodation #02 Add details of my Eurostar |
Debconf Travel2024 | 11:42 | JonathanWiltshire |
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