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["DebianUK"] > Debian''''''10thBirthday

= People =

The following people have expressed interest in attending the Debian 10th Birthday celebration in Cambridge @ Steve Mc''''''Intyre's house on Saturday & Sunday the 16th and 17th of August:

|| '''Name''' || '''E-Mail''' || '''Key ID''' || '''Needs Crash Space''' || '''Obtained Crash Space''' || '''Notes''' ||
|| Dima Barsky || dima@debian.org || 97AA33''''''D6 || yes || no || Will be driving from Woking, can take a few people with me ||
|| Phil Blundell || pb@debian.org || EF424F7D || no || || ||
|| Simon Booth || debparty@linnorm.freeserve.co.uk || D39''''''D41''''''E1 || no || || Has the 2nd bedroom at Steve's place, as he pays rent for it... ||
|| Regis Boudin || boudinr@esiee.fr || B12D595A || yes || no || Coming from Oxfordshire ||
|| Chris Boyle || cmb@debian.org || B7D86E0F || yes || yes || ||
|| Rob Bradford || robster@debian.org || DF81EE83 || yes || yes || ||
|| Nicholas Butler || nik@3ait.co.uk || || no || || May send a small firkin of Red River ( Old King and Barnes ale!) ||
|| Jason Clifford || jason@ukfsn.org || || yes || no || Steve tells me I can sleep in his garden so I'll be bringing a small tent. Will be coming up from London/Potters Bar via WAGN. ||
|| Matthew Garrett || mjg59@debian.org || || no || || ||
|| Daniel Glassey || wdg@debian.org || || no || || full house already for summer, but may be able to fit more in if people are _really_ desperate ||
|| Philip Hands || phil@hands.com || DD''''''9B9910 ||<rowspan=2> yes ||<rowspan=2> no ||<rowspan=2> booked into Green End Guest House, Saturday night ||
|| Heike Jurzik || jurzik@guug.de || 2F1AA79D || || ||
|| Dafydd Harries || daf@parnassus.ath.cx || 128287E8 || yes || no || Coming with Rob and co. ||
|| Liyang HU || liyang@nerv.cx || 7B632CB8 || yes || no || Would offer to book college guest rooms, but the major snag being that I'm not a member of any particular college at the minute... ||
|| Tom Huckstep || tomhuckstep@bigfoot.com || 952A9C39 || no || || Veggie (yum) ||
|| Ben Hutchings || ben@decadentplace.org.uk || || no || || ||
|| Matthew Johnson || mjj29@srcf.ucam.org || 5BE86FB9 || no || || ||
|| Clive Jones || cn-debian10thbirthday@ql.gs || BC''''''1D5''''''E08, 59''''''0DB''''''085, 51''''''8AE''''''9C8, AE''''''437''''''DE5 || no || no || Driving down from Huntingdon area, two spare spaces in car ||
|| Rob Kendrick || deb10@nun.org.uk || 3651D17A || no || || ||
|| Roger Leigh || rleigh@debian.org || || yes || yes || Can fit an extra person in my bivvy tent, if anyone needs crash space. ||
|| Euan Mac''''''Gregor || zx64@bluelinux.co.uk || || yes || yes || ||
|| Paul Martin || pm@debian.org || DED45912 || yes || no || Coming from Manchester, can pick up from M62/A1, M6/A14, or M6/A50/M1/A14. One car space taken, two still available. ||
|| Jon Masters || jcm@jonmasters.org || 16471F11 || no || no || Will try to make it if I am back from Liverpool/Nottingham in good time. ||
|| Thom May || thom@debian.org || 13046155 || yes || yes || ||
|| JonathanMcDowell || noodles-debparty@earth.li || 5B430367 || yes || yes || ||
|| Steve Mc''''''Intyre || steve@einval.com || 88C7C1F7 || no || '''''' || I hope he's coming, it's at his house. ;-) ||
|| Robert Mc''''''Queen || robot101@debian.org || 3501E6C5 || yes || yes || driving from Cardiff via Birmingham, car is probably full ||
|| Peter Naulls || peter@chocky.org || || no || || It's so close I'll be walking ||
|| David Pashley (JD) || david@davidpashley.com || AC033576 || yes || yes || ||
|| MJR || mjr@debian.org || E142''''''E6''''''F4 || no || || possible crash space an hour north. Try someone else first. ||
|| Scott James Remnant || scott@netsplit.com || 84AD676C || yes || yes || ||
|| Matt Rowen || matt@bluelinux.co.uk || 2FD8A73B || no || || coming on bike. ||
|| Vince Sanders || vince@debian.org || || yes || yes || ||
|| Daniel Silverstone || dsilvers@debian.org || 20687895 || no || || ||
|| Paul Sladen || debparty-wiki@paul.sladen.org || e90cfa24 || maybe || no || Assuming I'm not in .scot.uk/.ie/whereever [also Veggie] ||
|| Rob Taylor || robt@flyingpig.com || || no || || Will be coming from london, so if any londoners fancy meeting up to brave WAGN together, let me know :) ||
|| Ben Tullis || tullis@hypothetical.co.uk || || no || no || ||
|| Colin Watson || cjwatson@debian.org || 10FA4CD1 || no || || ||
|| Chris Williams || chris@diodesign.co.uk || || yes || yes || ||

= Crash Space =

Insert something cunning to ensure everyone has a bed here. Try this... mail the person listed
and ask if you can crash. Then update the page appropriately.

|| Name || Offer || Takers ||
||<rowspan=2>Steve Mc''''''Intyre || 6 in the house (all taken), bedrooms already spoken for. || Rob Mc''''''Queen, Chris Boyle, Euan Mac''''''Gregor, Rob Bradford, David Pashley, Philip Downer||
|| tent space in the back garden, if people are desperate || Dafydd Harries is hoping to make use of somebody else's tent - Jason Clifford is intending to bring a small tent. ||
|| Daniel Silverstone || Some floorspace || Scott James Remnant, Vince Sanders and Thom May have taken the spaces ||
|| Colin Watson || need to check with housemates, 1-2, floor only || JonathanMcDowell ||

If people want more than just simply crash space, there are several B&Bs very close. I can definitely recommend [http://accommodation.uk.net/greenend.htm Green End Guest House], which is 5 minutes' walk away. My mum's stayed there in the past... :-) (says Steve)

= Schedule =

Vague schedule idea based on last year:
 * Meet in central-ish pub on afternoon of Saturday 16th
 * Mass exodus to Steve's house
 * Keysigning, supermarket trip, barbeque and inebriation
 * Dispersal to sleeping locations and sleep
 * Reconvene at Steve's house on Sunday to IRC needlessly with people in the same room
 * Some go to Elmswell for Revolution OS Screening at 2pm
 * Return to your simple lives

= Locations =

 * Pub. Let's have a discussion - which pub shall we start at? :-)
  * Well, the decision appears to be that we meet at the Regal. This is a large weatherspoons in the centre of Cambridge. ([http://www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?pc=CB23AR multimap])
 * The Green Dragon is an excellent pub about 7 mins walk away from Steve's
 * Steve's house is 87, Kendal Way, Cambridge CB4 1LP. Multimap thinks that it is [http://www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?GridE=546772&GridN=260531&scale=10000 here].

= Other parties =

Jonathan Oxer has a co-ordinating page for the parties at http://www.debconf.org/10years .
[http://www.uusky.com &#19990;&#32426;&#24773;&#24863;]
[http://www.uusky.org &#26477;&#24030;&#32593;&#31449;&#24314;&#35774;]
[http://www.uusky.net &#26477;&#24030;&#21943;&#22609;]
[http://www.znpp.com &#26477;&#24030;&#32593;&#32476;&#20844;&#21496;]
[http://www.hzn.cn &#26477;&#24030;&#32593;&#31449;&#24314;&#35774;]
[http://www.hzn.cn &#26477;&#24030;&#32593;&#32476;&#20844;&#21496;]
[http://www.uusky.com/ &#24773;&#24863;]
[http://www.uusky.org &#26477;&#24030;&#32593;&#31449;&#24314;&#35774;]
[http://www.znpp.com &#26477;&#24030;&#32593;&#31449;&#24314;&#35774;]
[http://www.uusky.org &#26477;&#24030;&#32593;&#32476;&#20844;&#21496;]
 [http://www.nanyangcn.net/bzj.htm &#39135;&#21697;&#26426;&#26800;]
[http://www.nanyangcn.net/bzj.htm &#21253;&#35013;&#26426;]
[http://www.nanyangcn.net/bzj.htm &#39135;&#21697;&#21253;&#35013;&#26426;&#26800;]
[http://www.uusky.org &#26477;&#24030;&#32593;&#31449;&#24314;&#35774;]
[http://www.znpp.com &#26477;&#24030;&#32593;&#32476;&#20844;&#21496;]
[http://www.hzn.cn &#26477;&#24030;&#32593;&#32476;&#20844;&#21496;]
[http://www.uusky.net &#21943;&#22609;]
[http://home.qz168.com/home/xnann &#32593;&#31449;&#24314;&#35774;]
[http://www.18ny.com/html/xnan2/ &#32593;&#31449;&#25512;&#24191;]
[http://home.lygweb.com/home/xnan2/ &#20225;&#19994;&#37038;&#23616;]
[http://web.awxk.net/home/xnannn &#34394;&#25311;&#20027;&#26426;]
[http://www.loveday.somee.com/ GOOGLE&#25490;&#21517;]
[http://www.cnzjqi.somee.com &#32593;&#31449;&#24314;&#35774;]
[http://www.uusky.com/host &#32593;&#31449;&#24314;&#35774;]
[http://www.uusky.com/webpage/ &#32593;&#31449;&#24314;&#35774;]
[http://www.uusky.com/inf/ &#32593;&#31449;&#24314;&#35774;]
[http://www.hzjl365.com/inc/ &#32593;&#31449;&#24314;&#35774;]
[http://xnan2.91x.net/ &#32593;&#31449;&#24314;&#35774;]
[http://www.xinyifang.net/inf/ &#32593;&#31449;&#24314;&#35774;]
[http://web.uusky.org/ &#32593;&#31449;&#24314;&#35774;]
[http://www.pagerealm.com/agent2732/ &#32593;&#31449;&#24314;&#35774;]
[http://www.pcpages.com/uusky/ &#32593;&#31449;&#24314;&#35774;]
[http://uusky2.home.sunbo.net/ &#32593;&#31449;&#24314;&#35774;]
[http://www.coolgoose.com/sites/xnane/ &#32593;&#31449;&#24314;&#35774;]
[http://www.coolgoose.com/sites/xnane/web/ &#32593;&#31449;&#24314;&#35774;]
[http://www.coolgoose.com/sites/xnane/company/ &#32593;&#32476;&#20844;&#21496;]
[http://www.znpp.com/google/ &#32593;&#32476;&#20844;&#21496;]
[http://www.znpp.com/google/ &#32593;&#32476;&#20844;&#21496;]
[http://uusky.zj.com/company/ &#32593;&#32476;&#20844;&#21496;]
[http://uusky.zj.com/web/ &#32593;&#32476;&#20844;&#21496;]
[http://www.houseclub.com.cn/sitemap.htm &#32593;&#32476;&#20844;&#21496;]
[http://www.nanyangcn.net/sitemap.htm &#32593;&#32476;&#20844;&#21496;]
[http://www.softsenior.com/sitemap.htm &#32593;&#32476;&#20844;&#21496;]
[http://www.uusky.com/webpage &#32593;&#31449;&#24314;&#35774;]
[http://www.softsenior.com &#35270;&#39057;&#20250;&#35758;]
[http://www.softsenior.com V2 conference]
[http://www.softsenior.com/sitemap.htm &#32593;&#32476;&#30417;&#25511;]
[http://www.uusky.org/zuqiu.htm &#36275;&#29699;&#32593;&#31449;&#35774;&#35745;]
[http://www.houseclub.com.cn &#36141;&#25151;]
[http://www.houseclub.com.cn &#27004;&#30424;&#20195;&#29702;]
[http://www.houseclub.com.cn &#25151;&#20135;&#20132;&#26131;]
[http://www.houseclub.com.cn &#25151;&#23627;&#20080;&#21334;]
[http://www.houseclub.com.cn &#27004;&#30424;&#22242;&#36141;]
[http://www.softsenior.com &#35270;&#39057;&#20250;&#35758;]
[http://www.houseclub.com.cn/sitemap.htm &#36141;&#25151;]
[http://www.houseclub.com.cn/sitemapa.htm &#36141;&#25151;]
[http://www.houseclub.com.cn/sitemapb.htm &#27004;&#30424;&#20195;&#29702;]
[http://www.houseclub.com.cn/sitemapc.htm &#25151;&#20135;&#20132;&#26131;]
[http://www.houseclub.com.cn/sitemapd.htm &#25151;&#23627;&#20080;&#21334;]
[http://www.softsenior.com V2 conference]
 [http://www.softsenior.com &#32593;&#32476;&#30417;&#25511;]
[http://www.softsenior.com &#21150;&#20844;&#33258;&#21160;&#21270;]
[http://www.softsenior.com &#39184;&#39278;&#25910;&#38134;]
[http://www.softsenior.com &#32593;&#36335;&#23703;]
[http://www.nanyangcn.net &#34507;&#40644;&#27966;]
[http://www.blogcn.com/user20/xnan2 &#32593;&#31449;&#24314;&#35774;]
[http://xnan2.blogdriver.com/xnan2/ &#32593;&#31449;&#24314;&#35774;]
[http://www.blogbus.com/blogbus/blog/index.php?blogid=45288 &#32593;&#31449;&#24314;&#35774;]
[http://www.loveday.epsystem.net &#32593;&#31449;&#24314;&#35774;]
[http://www.loveday.epsystem.net &#32593;&#32476;&#20844;&#21496;]
[http://loveday.epsystem.net &#32593;&#31449;&#24314;&#35774;]
[http://loveday.epsystem.net &#32593;&#32476;&#20844;&#21496;]

[http://www.uusky.com 世纪情感] [http://www.uusky.org 杭州网站建设] [http://www.uusky.net 杭州喷塑] [http://www.znpp.com 杭州网络公司] [http://www.hzn.cn 杭州网站建设] [http://www.hzn.cn 杭州网络公司] [http://www.uusky.com/ 情感] [http://www.uusky.org 杭州网站建设] [http://www.znpp.com 杭州网站建设] [http://www.uusky.org 杭州网络公司]

[http://www.nanyangcn.net/bzj.htm 包装机] [http://www.nanyangcn.net/bzj.htm 食品包装机械] [http://www.uusky.org 杭州网站建设] [http://www.znpp.com 杭州网络公司] [http://www.hzn.cn 杭州网络公司] [http://www.uusky.net 喷塑] [http://home.qz168.com/home/xnann 网站建设] [http://www.18ny.com/html/xnan2/ 网站推广] [http://home.lygweb.com/home/xnan2/ 企业邮局] [http://web.awxk.net/home/xnannn 虚拟主机] [http://www.loveday.somee.com/ GOOGLE排名] [http://www.cnzjqi.somee.com 网站建设] [http://www.uusky.com/host 网站建设] [http://www.uusky.com/webpage/ 网站建设] [http://www.uusky.com/inf/ 网站建设] [http://www.hzjl365.com/inc/ 网站建设] [http://xnan2.91x.net/ 网站建设] [http://www.xinyifang.net/inf/ 网站建设] [http://web.uusky.org/ 网站建设] [http://www.pagerealm.com/agent2732/ 网站建设] [http://www.pcpages.com/uusky/ 网站建设] [http://uusky2.home.sunbo.net/ 网站建设] [http://www.coolgoose.com/sites/xnane/ 网站建设] [http://www.coolgoose.com/sites/xnane/web/ 网站建设] [http://www.coolgoose.com/sites/xnane/company/ 网络公司] [http://www.znpp.com/google/ 网络公司] [http://www.znpp.com/google/ 网络公司] [http://uusky.zj.com/company/ 网络公司] [http://uusky.zj.com/web/ 网络公司] [http://www.houseclub.com.cn/sitemap.htm 网络公司] [http://www.nanyangcn.net/sitemap.htm 网络公司] [http://www.softsenior.com/sitemap.htm 网络公司] [http://www.uusky.com/webpage 网站建设] [http://www.softsenior.com 视频会议] [http://www.softsenior.com V2 conference] [http://www.softsenior.com/sitemap.htm 网络监控] [http://www.uusky.org/zuqiu.htm 足球网站设计] [http://www.houseclub.com.cn 购房] [http://www.houseclub.com.cn 楼盘代理] [http://www.houseclub.com.cn 房产交易] [http://www.houseclub.com.cn 房屋买卖] [http://www.houseclub.com.cn 楼盘团购] [http://www.softsenior.com 视频会议] [http://www.houseclub.com.cn/sitemap.htm 购房] [http://www.houseclub.com.cn/sitemapa.htm 购房] [http://www.houseclub.com.cn/sitemapb.htm 楼盘代理] [http://www.houseclub.com.cn/sitemapc.htm 房产交易] [http://www.houseclub.com.cn/sitemapd.htm 房屋买卖] [http://www.softsenior.com V2 conference]

[http://www.softsenior.com 办公自动化] [http://www.softsenior.com 餐饮收银] [http://www.softsenior.com 网路岗] [http://www.nanyangcn.net 蛋黄派] [http://www.blogcn.com/user20/xnan2 网站建设] [http://xnan2.blogdriver.com/xnan2/ 网站建设] [http://www.blogbus.com/blogbus/blog/index.php?blogid=45288 网站建设] [http://www.loveday.epsystem.net 网站建设] [http://www.loveday.epsystem.net 网络公司] [http://loveday.epsystem.net 网站建设] [http://loveday.epsystem.net 网络公司]

TheEarthWiki: Debian10thBirthday (last edited 2008-04-02 23:16:43 by 5ac1a8f5)