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Comment: Matrix
Deletions are marked like this. | Additions are marked like this. |
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|| '''Name''' || '''E-Mail''' || '''Key ID''' || '''Needs Crash Space''' || '''Obtained Crash Space''' || '''Notes''' || ||SteveMcIntyre || ||88C7C1F7 || No ||N/A|||| |
## ____ _____ _ ____ __ __ _____ ## | _ \| ____| / \ | _ \ | \/ | ____| ## | |_) | _| / _ \ | | | | | |\/| | _| ## | _ <| |___ / ___ \| |_| | | | | | |___ ## |_| \_\_____/_/ \_\____/ |_| |_|_____| ##Do not enter your key with {{{ }}}s, DanielSilverstone will add them after he has added your key to the scary matrix. ##If you alter your key ID, or add a new one, remove the {{{ }}}s ##If you do not want your key ID to be included in the matrix, please surround it with ``s || '''Name''' || '''E-Mail''' ||'''Key ID'''|| '''Needs Crash Space''' || '''Obtained Crash Space''' || '''Notes''' || ||SteveMcIntyre || || {{{88C7C1F7}}} || No ||N/A|| || ||NattieMayerHutchings|| || {{{9B07B5E6}}} || No ||N/A||f above top c is popular... || ||SimonMcVittie ||smcv pseudorandom co uk || {{{5530EC76}}} || No ||N/A|| || ||NeilMcGovern || || {{{B345BDD3}}} || Yes || No|| Needs to confirm || ||BenHutchings || || {{{12066207}}} || No ||N/A|| || ||Herman Robak || || || Yes || || || ||Annabelle Tully || || || yes || || || ||Jesus Climent || || || yes ||No || Needs to confirm || ||Vilde Anna Egeland || || || yes || || || ||Martin Krafft || || {{{330c4a75}}} || yes || || absolutely unsure as of yet || ||Elisabeth Fosbrooke-Brown|| || || yes || || || ||JonathanMcDowell || || {{{F4A8B30C}}} || yes ||No || || ||Hanna Ollila || || || yes || || || ||Mark Hymers || || {{{D0EC0723}}} || yes ||No || || ||DavidPashley || || {{{AC033576}}} || yes ||No || || ||DanielSilverstone || || {{{20687896}}} || yes ||No || Need to check with sprint dates for work || ||BrettParker || || {{{17AF9E34}}} || yes || || || ||Lesley Mitchell || || {{{29DF0D1D}}} || yes ||No || || ||JonDowland || || {{{7032F238}}} || yes ||No || || |
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||SteveMcIntyre ||about seven spaces in the house, room for tents outside if people are desperate|| || | ||SteveMcIntyre ||about seven spaces in the house, room for tents outside if people are desperate|| DanielSilverstone claims a spot, as does DavidPashley (in particular the sofa), and BrettParker, and JonDowland || ||BenHutchings||2-4 spaces depending on how friendly people want to get|| || |
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Here will probably be DanielSilverstone's scary key signing matrix... | What follows is a matrix showing which ''Signer'' has signed which ''Signee'' The split in the columns is individual UIDs, so if a particular ''Signee'' has some red and some green in a given row, this means that the ''Signer'' has signed some but not all of the UIDs on that key. || || ||<:-38>'''Signee''' || || || ||<:-2>{{{12066207}}} ||<:-2>{{{17AF9E34}}} ||<:-4>{{{20687895}}} ||<:-3>{{{29DF0D1D}}} ||<:-9>{{{330C4A75}}} ||<:-2>{{{5530EC76}}} ||<:-3>{{{7032F238}}} ||<:-3>{{{88C7C1F7}}} ||<:-3>{{{9B07B5E6}}} ||<:-3>{{{B345BDD3}}} ||<:-3>{{{D0EC0723}}} ||<:-1>{{{F4A8B30C}}} || ||<:|12>'''S[[BR]]i[[BR]]g[[BR]]n[[BR]]e[[BR]]r''' || {{{12066207}}} ||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}} || || {{{17AF9E34}}} ||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}} || || {{{20687895}}} ||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}} || || {{{29DF0D1D}}} ||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}} || || {{{330C4A75}}} ||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}} || || {{{5530EC76}}} ||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}} || || {{{7032F238}}} ||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}} || || {{{88C7C1F7}}} ||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}} || || {{{9B07B5E6}}} ||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}} || || {{{B345BDD3}}} ||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}} || || {{{D0EC0723}}} ||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}} || || {{{F4A8B30C}}} ||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}} || |
["DebianUK"] > DebianParty2006
1. People
The following people have expressed interest in attending the party in Cambridge @ Steve McIntyre's house on Saturday & Sunday the 26th and 27th of August:
Name |
Key ID |
Needs Crash Space |
Obtained Crash Space |
Notes |
88C7C1F7 |
No |
N/A |
9B07B5E6 |
No |
N/A |
f above top c is popular... |
smcv pseudorandom co uk |
5530EC76 |
No |
N/A |
B345BDD3 |
Yes |
No |
Needs to confirm |
12066207 |
No |
N/A |
Herman Robak |
Yes |
Annabelle Tully |
yes |
Jesus Climent |
yes |
No |
Needs to confirm |
Vilde Anna Egeland |
yes |
Martin Krafft |
330c4a75 |
yes |
absolutely unsure as of yet |
Elisabeth Fosbrooke-Brown |
yes |
F4A8B30C |
yes |
No |
Hanna Ollila |
yes |
Mark Hymers |
D0EC0723 |
yes |
No |
AC033576 |
yes |
No |
20687896 |
yes |
No |
Need to check with sprint dates for work |
17AF9E34 |
yes |
Lesley Mitchell |
29DF0D1D |
yes |
No |
7032F238 |
yes |
No |
2. Crash Space
Insert something cunning to ensure everyone has a bed here. Try this... mail the person listed and ask if you can crash. Then update the page appropriately.
Name |
Offer |
Takers |
about seven spaces in the house, room for tents outside if people are desperate |
DanielSilverstone claims a spot, as does DavidPashley (in particular the sofa), and BrettParker, and JonDowland |
2-4 spaces depending on how friendly people want to get |
3. Transport
Offers of lifts. Mail the person listed, and ask if it's OK to tag along.
Name |
Seats |
Locations |
Takers |
4. Schedule
Vague schedule idea based on last year:
- Meet in central-ish pub at one o'clock on the afternoon of Saturday 26th
- Mass exodus to Steve's house at four o'clock.
- Keysigning (six o'clock), supermarket trip (before that), barbeque and inebriation (all damned night)
- Dispersal to sleeping locations and sleep
- Rinse and repeat
- ["DebianUKSociety"] AGM Saturday, 5pm
5. Locations
Pub. The Regal is traditional, some time between 12 midday & 3pm. This is a large Wetherspoons in the centre of Cambridge. ([ multimap])
Steve's house is 87, Kendal Way, Cambridge CB4 1LP. Multimap thinks that it is [ here].
6. Keysigning
There will probably be a key signing event. It will NOT be a two-lines affair and as such you should bring keyslips with you. DanielSilverstone will provide recommendations as to what each of you should do.
What follows is a matrix showing which Signer has signed which Signee The split in the columns is individual UIDs, so if a particular Signee has some red and some green in a given row, this means that the Signer has signed some but not all of the UIDs on that key.
Signee |
12066207 |
17AF9E34 |
20687895 |
29DF0D1D |
330C4A75 |
5530EC76 |
7032F238 |
88C7C1F7 |
9B07B5E6 |
B345BDD3 |
D0EC0723 |
F4A8B30C |
12066207 |
17AF9E34 |
20687895 |
29DF0D1D |
330C4A75 |
5530EC76 |
7032F238 |
88C7C1F7 |
9B07B5E6 |
B345BDD3 |
D0EC0723 |
F4A8B30C |