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Comment: Clive!
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|| CliveJones || || || No || N/A || | |
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|| CliveJones || || 4 || Huntingdon-Cambridge corridor* || || * Huntingdon station is on the East Coast Main Line |
DebianUK > DebianParty2018
1. People
The following people have expressed interest in attending the party in Cambridge @ Steve and Jo McIntyre's house on the 25th to 27th of August (Saturday 2018-08-25 → Monday 2018-08-27):
Name |
Long Key ID |
Needs Crash Space |
Obtained Crash Space |
Notes |
Vegetarian? |
2B99275E9EA6BD5E |
No |
N/A |
+44 7465 608073 |
587979573442684E |
No |
N/A |
+44 7775 786572 |
No |
N/A |
Woof! Lick! Wag! |
4DE8FF2A63C7CC90 |
No |
N/A |
D50A654128D3F888 |
No |
N/A |
wibble |
No |
Lucie Allcutt |
No |
N/A |
No |
0x5394479DD3524C51 |
Yes |
haz |
Not really |
79B0C7A2CBD93B9E |
No |
N/A |
G Major and C minor |
Enforced |
3CCEBABE206C3B69/4096R |
No |
--- |
Black pepper, ginseng, cake |
Diametric opposite |
--- |
--- |
No |
--- |
Do you want to go out? tick [ ] yes [ ] no |
Obligate omnivore |
Dan Alderman |
--- |
No |
Yes |
Kyllikki is awesome |
No |
1913D1DF9BF3CA50B9DA798BC691EF385BB929C3 |
No |
Yes |
Definitely not |
rattusrattus at d.o |
BB41 D457 70EF 06F7 |
No |
N/A |
No |
Jane at koipond.o.u |
No |
N/A |
No |
Isy at koipond.o.u |
not yet |
No |
N/A |
Definitely not!! |
Serbitar |
Yes |
Yes |
Cake? |
Meatitarian |
Mark Brown |
No |
No |
No |
Tomasz Rybak |
B8E5087766475AAF |
Yes |
Yes |
Goes to EMF afterwards |
Yes |
Yes |
Pancakes? |
No |
Peter Green |
0C48EA2A7A8FFD7B |
No |
N/A |
No |
7132F404C2839A373D82A35CB1E1F0A4DD24BF75 |
No |
N/A |
Trilobites! |
Yes |
Marcin Kulisz | |
3DF1A4DFC732468838BCF121686930DD58C338B3 |
No |
N/A |
No |
Joanna Kulisz | |
0BBB7663FDC4663D18A241456EB2C553FC2C3D0F |
No |
N/A |
No |
Colin Tuckley |
FA0C410738C9D903 |
No |
N/A |
No way! |
0E3A94C3E83002DAB88CCA1694FA372B2DA8B985 |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Vipul Agarwal |
2BB99B6226D82C5E6DFAB4E13A740339DA6402DC |
No |
N/A |
Drop by in the evening |
No |
No |
N/A |
May bring ALL of the dogs |
No |
Ard Biesheuvel | |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Allison Randal |
9688FFC1C78102DF |
No |
N/A |
Sometimes |
7203630E2C8E727251684FEBC5CE5DC2C542CD59 |
No |
Yes |
No |
Jeffity |
7EA95CB5567FDDBFB119539D5AC47FD9A0F2EB10 |
No |
Yes |
No |
0x97A0FA0FC8F2DE45 |
No |
N/A |
Hi |
Nope |
Nicoo |
<nick> |
0xEC9D370872BC7A8C, 0x0F63562823B906C5 |
Yes |
Yes |
-- |
No |
No |
N/A |
2. Crash Space
Insert something cunning to ensure everyone has a bed here. Try this... mail the person listed and ask if you can crash. Then update the page appropriately.
Name |
Offer |
Takers |
Notes |
about 5 spaces in the house, room for tents outside if people are desperate |
jmw dan_a olasd nicoo |
dan_a (sofabed) |
floor space - 1st call to Serbitar & Jessie after which free game... |
Serbitar |
3. Transport
Offers of lifts. Mail the person listed, and ask if it's OK to tag along.
Name |
Seats |
Locations |
Takers |
4 |
Huntingdon-Cambridge corridor* |
* Huntingdon station is on the East Coast Main Line
A new station, Cambridge North, was built especially for events at Steve's house in May 2017. It is a 15 minute walk from the BBQ. Rumours that the track was originally laid in Debian swirls are entirely unfounded.
4. Cakes
We may persuade people to bake...
5. Pancakes
There is a chance that some Finnish kook will make pancakes.
6. Schedule
Vague schedule idea based on previous years:
- Meet in a central-ish pub (The Regal) between noon and 3pm on the Saturday afternoon.
- Mass exodus to Steve's house at four o'clock.
- Supermarket trip (6pm-ish), barbeque and inebriation (all damned night)
- Dispersal to sleeping locations and sleep, then up at the crack of noon for a full cooked breakfast
- Rinse and repeat
- Keysigning sometime / any time over the weekend
7. Beer + Food
Thanks to the following lovely people for sponsoring supplies for the weekend:
Please let Steve know if you'd like to help too!
8. Locations
Pub. The Regal is a large Wetherspoons in the centre of Cambridge. (Map)
Steve's house is 87, Kendal Way, Cambridge CB4 1LP. OpenStreetMap thinks that it is here.
9. Keysigning
There will probably be some impromptu key signing...
ColinTuckley has attempted a matrix
Signee |
0C48EA2A 7A8FFD7B |
2B99275E 9EA6BD5E |
3A740339 DA6402DC |
3CCEBABE 206C3B69 |
4DE8FF2A 63C7CC90 |
5394479D D3524C51 |
58797957 3442684E |
5AC47FD9 A0F2EB10 |
686930DD 58C338B3 |
6EB2C553 FC2C3D0F |
79B0C7A2 CBD93B9E |
94FA372B 2DA8B985 |
9688FFC1 C78102DF |
97A0FA0F C8F2DE45 |
B1E1F0A4 DD24BF75 |
B8E50877 66475AAF |
BB41D457 70EF06F7 |
C5CE5DC2 C542CD59 |
C691EF38 5BB929C3 |
D50A6541 28D3F888 |
EC9D3708 72BC7A8C |
FA0C4107 38C9D903 |
S i g n e r |
0C48EA2A7A8FFD7B |
2B99275E9EA6BD5E |
3A740339DA6402DC |
3CCEBABE206C3B69 |
4DE8FF2A63C7CC90 |
5394479DD3524C51 |
587979573442684E |
5AC47FD9A0F2EB10 |
686930DD58C338B3 |
6EB2C553FC2C3D0F |
79B0C7A2CBD93B9E |
94FA372B2DA8B985 |
9688FFC1C78102DF |
97A0FA0FC8F2DE45 |
B1E1F0A4DD24BF75 |
B8E5087766475AAF |
BB41D45770EF06F7 |
C5CE5DC2C542CD59 |
C691EF385BB929C3 |
D50A654128D3F888 |
EC9D370872BC7A8C |
FA0C410738C9D903 |
10. Photos
2017 - there was beer!
From 2013: the meat DJs in action!