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Revision 24 as of 2003-12-03 14:20:10
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Revision 30 as of 2004-12-22 15:12:24
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Editor: no-dns-yet
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["DebianUK"] > Debian''''''Xmas''''''Meet

= When & Where =

  * 2003 December 6th, Saturday

  * Cambridge. ''The place with the highest concentration of DDs in the world!''

= People =

The following people are likely to turn up to the meet

|| '''Name''' || '''E-Mail''' || '''Key ID''' || '''Notes''' ||
|| Daniel Silverstone || dsilvers@debian.org || 20687895 || Can provide crash space (see below) ||
|| Steve Mc''''''Intyre || steve@einval.com || 88C7C1F7 || Probably... ||
|| Robert Mc''''''Queen || robot101@debian.org || 3501E6C5 || ||
|| Rob Bradford || rob@debianplanet.org || DF81EE83 || Mooo. ||
|| Peter Naulls || peter@chocky.org || || Yawn, another Debian meet ||
|| Moray Allan || moray@sermisy.org || 2be16d01 || Possibly (already in London that weekend) ||
|| David Pashley || david@davidpashley.com || AC033576 || w00t ||
|| Rob Kendrick || debxmas2003@nun.org.uk || 3651D17A || ||
|| Matthew Johnson || matt@matthew.ath.cx || 5be86fb9 || ||
|| Matthew Garrett || || || Or so he said on IRC ||
|| Paul Sladen || debian-wiki@paul.sladen.org || e90cfa24 || Landlord's coming this weekend so I might escape... ||
|| Matthew Rowen || matt@bluelinux.co.uk || 2FD8A73B || Moooack (robster) ||

= Signature matrix =

If you add yourself above, when I notice I'll update this matrix... It's best not to disable mail notification therefore...

Green squares indicate a signature, red squares a missing or bad signature. Each uid is considered separately,
so in some instances, you can see uids were added which have yet to be signed.

|| || ||<:-32>'''Signee''' ||
|| || ||<:-2>{{{20687895}}} ||<:-3>{{{2BE16D01}}} ||<:-5>{{{2FD8A73B}}} ||<:-5>{{{3501E6C5}}} ||<:-2>{{{3651D17A}}} ||<:-3>{{{5BE86FB9}}} ||<:-3>{{{88C7C1F7}}} ||<:-3>{{{AC033576}}} ||<:-3>{{{DF81EE83}}} ||<:-3>{{{E90CFA24}}} ||
||<:|10>'''S[[BR]]i[[BR]]g[[BR]]n[[BR]]e[[BR]]r''' || {{{20687895}}} ||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}} ||
|| {{{2BE16D01}}} ||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}} ||
|| {{{2FD8A73B}}} ||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}} ||
|| {{{3501E6C5}}} ||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}} ||
|| {{{3651D17A}}} ||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}} ||
|| {{{5BE86FB9}}} ||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}} ||
|| {{{88C7C1F7}}} ||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}} ||
|| {{{AC033576}}} ||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}} ||
|| {{{DF81EE83}}} ||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}} ||
|| {{{E90CFA24}}} ||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#ff0000> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}}||<#00ff00> {{{ }}} ||

= Crash space =

If people need crash space, say so below. If people can offer space, say so too

|| '''Name''' || '''Need/Provide''' || '''Count''' || '''Takers/Offers''' ||
|| Daniel Silverstone || Provide || Approx 3 unless people get ''cosy''|| JD ||
|| Matthew Rowen || Provide || Can take a couple in city centre, but no beds available :) ||

= Schedule =

Since people complained last time that there was no schedule, here's a schedule...

 * Meet at the Regal at 12:00 [http://www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?pc=CB23AR multimap]
 * Sit around chatting, eat some lunch, etc
 * Decide what to do
 * Do it

= Anything else =

Not really, just suggest things if you want to.

This page has been linked from [http://www.alug.org.uk/meetings/2003/ ALUG]
A let to buy mortgage or [[http://www.mortgage-glossary.info/buy-to-let.html buy to let mortgage]] (which ever takes your fancy) will allow you to buy another property with the intention of letting it out to other persons. This is seen as an investment. If you want to move out of your current property and are unable to sell your existing house or you have what is known as negative equity using a buy to let mortgage will enable you to buy a new house and use your existing property for renting out.

A let to buy mortgage or http://www.mortgage-glossary.info/buy-to-let.html buy to let mortgage (which ever takes your fancy) will allow you to buy another property with the intention of letting it out to other persons. This is seen as an investment. If you want to move out of your current property and are unable to sell your existing house or you have what is known as negative equity using a buy to let mortgage will enable you to buy a new house and use your existing property for renting out.

TheEarthWiki: DebianXmasMeet (last edited 2008-02-19 15:39:26 by localhost)