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Revision 4 as of 2004-09-10 23:28:00
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Editor: 81
Revision 6 as of 2004-09-13 08:42:12
Size: 1629
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1. EmailRant

Being on a list of supposedly clued people who still can't manage to do email properly is... frustrating. This is a list of common mistakes.

1.1. Threading

  • Starting new threads by following up to completely unrelated messages
  • Not threading messages
  • Not threading messages and not attributing the message you follow up to.

1.2. Quoting

  • Top posting - ARGH GRRR *gnash* *gnash*
  • Quoting too much and then just adding one line (for bonus points top posting this as well)
  • Quoting too little
  • Quoting a message and then assuming the rest of the world has MS Okey Kokey 2000 extensions and won't just see it as the original message intermingled with the new text.
  • Writing all of your mail on one line
  • Not reformatting below 80 characters per line.
  • Attempting to reformat but getting it oh so wrong that the resulting mess of > and spacing confuses anyone who tries to read it.

1.3. Broken clients

  • Claiming your message is encoded in US ASCII when in fact it is iso-8859-1/utf-8/whatever
  • Using Notes

1.4. Idiot settings

  • Not having your real name in your headers. Especially when contacting people on business matters, though it's crap on lists too.

1.5. Mailing lists

  • Sending your subscribe messages to the list
  • Sending your unsubscribe messages to the list
  • Sending your unsubscribe messages to the list when there's a footer on every message explaining how to unsubscribe
  • Not paying attention to Mail-Followup-To headers. Repeatedly. Even when told you're about them.

I'm sure there's more...


TheEarthWiki: EmailRant (last edited 2008-02-19 15:39:13 by localhost)