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Revision 27 as of 2006-11-27 09:07:07
Size: 1246
Editor: SimonHuggins
Revision 36 as of 2006-12-15 07:45:13
Size: 151
Editor: softbank218116242009
Comment: TUmTJ6ILC8GBIP83
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= Red eye's in the sky =

(SamDrackley This is as relayed by Song of the Wind)

(back to GlassWalkers/StoriesoftheNation or back to GlassWalkers home page)

The first Red Star is the Eye of the Wyrm.
'He' looks down upon us and watches what we do, his very glare a sign
that the final battle is soon to be upon us.

The Wyrm, however, was not satisfied with just killing everything in
it's path, instead it branched out.
It went to Hahake and spoke with the Forger of Garou Souls.
It explained how powerful it is and said that Hahakae should come to
it's side.
Hahake demanded a proof of this power.
The Wyrm, until now confined to death, destruction, corruption,
disease, CREATED the second star.

Thus it showed its power to Hahake who immediately turned to the side
of the Wyrm.

The Wyrm is now able to create, the premise of the Wyld.
It's creations are not out of control, which means it can create when
it wishes to, possibly it can control them which is the premise of
the Weaver, we do not know.

Know though, that the Wyrm is now more powerful than it was ever
expected to be, and that the final battle is soon to be upon us.

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TheEarthWiki: GlassWalkers/StoriesoftheNation/RedEye (last edited 2008-02-19 15:39:15 by localhost)