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OOC: 1. This page is a fictional page for a roleplaying game. None of the below is in any way true. If you are not a UK glasswalker you do *not* have access to this in character. If you are then you probably will. If in doubt or you want to know more please contact 2. If you've made a change to this and it doesn't seem to have worked, try a forced refresh in case of local caching. Any other problems, try looking at -- ChloeAnderton |
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=== Tabulated === Thanks to Alan Returns for The Sequel for putting info together...all in this list are Garou -- ChloeAnderton || '''Garou Name''' || '''Sept''' || '''Auspice''' || '''Breed''' || '''Rank''' || '''Position''' || '''Pack''' || '''(OOC: Player)''' || || Hogan Risks-Life-and-Limb || Gaia's Tears || AH || HO || Fostern || Sept Alpha || Double Barrel(Uktena) || Neill Cram || ||Hands-the-Wyrm-It's-Ass||Twilight Star||AH||HO||Athro||Tribal Alpha/Don||?||Steve Lloyd|| ||Extreme Prejudice||?||AH||ME||Adren||Pack Beta||Hostile Takeover(Clashing Boom Boom)||Kevin Drugan|| ||Red The Walker||Stag's Fury(Irl)||AH||LU||Adren||?||?||Sadhbh|| ||James Fights-With-Heart Jones||Watchful Eye||AH||HO||Cliath(?)||?||?||Peter Callard|| ||Tom Strikes-With-Forethought||Watchful Eye||AH||HO||Cliath||?||Rising Star||Joe Rooney|| ||Alan Returns-for-the-Sequel Mauritson||Autumn Twilight||GA||HO||Fostern||Sept Beta, Pack Beta||5-Short-a-6(Fox)||Phil Hyde|| ||Richard Foot-In-The-Door Merryweather||Autumn Twilight||GA||HO||Cliath||?||Hogs of War(Boar)||?|| ||Override Hacks-At-Wyrm||Sleeping Lion||PH||HO||Adren||Sept Alpha||Lion Rampant(Lion)||James Watson|| ||Martin Stalks The Weaver's Shadow Cross||Rose's Heart||RG||HO||Adren||Don of PR, Sept Alpha||Guardians of the Heart(Stag)||Chris Venus|| ||Songbird Alternating Current Gillies||Rose's Heart||RG||HO||Cliath||-||Packless||Sarah Bouchier|| ||Ian Talks Past Denford||Lost and Found||RG||HO||Adren||Don of Business||Storm to Come (East Wind)||Nick Brunskill|| ||Ctrl Alt Del||Anruth||RG||HO||Adren||??||Hostile Takeover(Clashing Boom Boom)||Rich|| ||J.J. Streets Shadow||Mother's Wisdom||RG||HO||Adren||Sept Beta||Last Stand||John Barber|| ||Morris Speaks-with-soft-heart Wycombe||Winding Thorn||RG||HO||Cliath||?||?||James Humphery|| ||Billy Bob||Lost and Found||RG||HO||Cliath||?||Camp: Dies Ultimae||Anthony Wade|| ||Bakura Blood-Tracker||Autumn Twilight||TH||HO||Cliath||?||Hogs of War(Boar)||?|| ||Sleeps With The Fishes||Muddy Waters(Aus)||TH||LU||Adren||?||?||?|| ||Spanner In The Works||?||?||?||?||?||?||Chris Benton|| ||USB||?||TH||?||Cliath||?||Hostile Takeover(Clashing Boom Boom)||Matt Hope|| ||Chloe||Twilight Star||TH||HO||Cub||Don w/o Portfolio||Packless||Caroline Pearson|| ||Ben Looks-To-The-Future Whitlaw||Grey Waters||TH||HO||Cliath||?||Luna's Shield||Jon Brown|| ||Jonathan 404 Quickfall||Anruth||TH||ME||Cliath||?||Hostile Takeover(Clashing Boom Boom)||?|| |
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Hands the Wyrm its ass (aka Hands the Fenrir his creditcard) - Athro Ahroun - Head of tribe in the UK * Martin Cross, Stalks the Weaver's Shadow - Adren ragabash - Alpha of Sept of the Rose's Heart, Beta of tribe in the UK * Talks Past - Adren Ragabash |
* Hands the Wyrm its ass (aka Hands the Fenrir his creditcard) - Athro Ahroun - Head of tribe in the UK (The Don) * MartinCross, Stalks the Weaver's Shadow - Adren ragabash - Alpha of Sept of the Rose's Heart, Beta of tribe in the UK, Don of PR * Control Alt Delete - Adren Ragabash * Ian Denford aka Talks Past - Adren Ragabash, Don of Business |
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* Chloe - Cub Theurge * 404 - Cliath Theurge (Metis) |
* ChloeAnderton - Cub Theurge - Don w/o Portfolio * 404 aka Jonathan Quickfall- Cliath Theurge (Metis) * Extreme Prejudice - Cliath Ahroun (Metis) |
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* Alan Mauritson, Returns-For-The-Sequel - Fostern Galliard | * AlanMauritson, Returns-For-The-Sequel - Fostern Galliard * MorrisWycombe, Speaks-with-soft-heart - Cliath Ragabash * Plays-with-fire - Cliath Ragabash |
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* Chrisian Anderton | * Christian Anderton (Journo) - One of the Dons of Intelligence |
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==== Lunar Eclipse 8th/9th November 2003 ==== MartinCross - "Felt decidedly odd. Things looked very scary in the umbra with the Red Star being about the only source of light at one point. Not a spirit to be seen which probably says a little something." ChloeAnderton - This occurred as predicted by astronomers. Anyone got any info on what effect Lunar Eclipses usually have on spirits/in the umbra? TalksPast - In London it was rather unpleasant. There were times I could feel my Rage slipping away, and times when it did. Then there were all the riots in town. ==== Winter Solstice 2003 ==== ChloeAnderton - All seasonal rites failed, second Red Star appeared in the sky. Buckle up, think the ride's about to get rockier... MorrisWycombe - The sept of the winding thorns (us at Dorking) might have screwed up a little here... HollyKingAndOakKing |
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* Killed Silvermoon | * Killed Silvermoon in the sense that the once good garou known as Silvermoon is no more and in her place stands a black spiral dancer probably. |
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* Got a plan on these. Gnosis and knowledge of computers and/or stone circles a plus. Not being on the KLF's blacklist, and ability to get to the Avebury area for the anniversary a requirement. Mail me if you want in, BYOB. '''Update''' - plan definitely has potential. Got distracted by Wayland turning up & Avebury becoming a kick-arse caern. Y know how it goes... -- ChloeAnderton === London Riots === TalksPast knows something about these...? == Places == === Sept of the Rose's Heart / Oxford === MartinCross - "The sept's main notable factor is its alliance with mages (aka namers). This works well for us generally and has caused no problems to date. The elders are not as happy about this though." ChloeAnderton - '''Update:''' May have become more of a problem. Get in contact with Talks Past (others who commented at TS moot - Jade & Walks his Own Path - may be also able to give info) about what happened at London re 'Ben Bryant' in concert - namer, went all wyrmy, summoned things from dungeon dimensions, &tc. Probably better if you hear it first hand though, since I've not got the full story. End result though, two high-ranking Red Talons (Claw & Grinder) are recommending that, since a bunch of non-wyrm mages turned up to take down a wyrm-mage, they must get stronger if they get corrupted, so best to take them out beforehand... Your man Heart of the Future seems to have been landed with the position of 'keeping an eye on them', having got out of aany further obligation by pointing out that a namer had saved his dad's life - debt of honour & all that. If you don't want him keeping an eye, make sure he isn't in a position to be able to; if you do, make it easy for him ;) ChloeAnderton - "Is Walks-His-Own-Path a member of this sept?" '''Sept positions/residents (incomplete)''' * Alpha: Martin Cross * Beta: Cat's Graces * Den Mother: Cat's Graces * Martin Heart of the Future - Cliath(?) Philodox. === Sept of the Winding Thorns / Dorking === MorrisWycombe - "The caern was recently reawakened by J-The-Listener. Silvermoon was denmother until meeting the dancers, Now Fights with Savage Heart has that honour. Also we have probably the youngest Rite Master in Magpie (Silent Strider Cliath only just done rite of passage but the only theurge we have!)" MartinCross - "For better or for worse I have a deal with a Chaos Monitor, a powerful Weaver Spirit, in this Sept's territory. The garou are not to enter the area claimed by the weaver where I believe a caern used to be. If I ever hear that they do I believe my life will be immediately forfeit. Yeah, useful knowledge for those wanting to assassinate me but I don't think that's anybody here." ChloeAnderton - "STOP-PRESS - Martin, Hands and I have been negotiating with the Chaos Monitor & its minions all afternoon (16/11/03) after certain rules about expansion were taken rather literally (specifically, that the limits on expansion were taken to only apply at ground level...). We're talking oh-shit-need-to-chat-to-the-Elder-Council and guns-big-fucking-guns! More when I've slept, I'm totally knackered after hacking together a quick & dirty spirit speech translator, wading through sewers, making sure nobody got killed...y'know, the usual. Will kick Hands and make sure he gets the info to the Elder Council pronto..." MorrisWycombe - "Embarrasingly myself, Fights-with-Thought, Fights-with-Savage-Heart etc. basically a load of cliath have been punished with voice of the Jackal, due to us not having informed J-The-Listener about the Stag telling us the cearn needed help from the Holly King, when J was absent one month. MorrisWycombe - "As of December the sept positions have changed: J stepped down and invited challenges. Myself, Fights-with-Thought and Fights-with-Savage-Heart challenged. It was close so they told me, but in the end Fights-with-Savage-Heart was chosen. Also I checked up on Plays-With-Fire and she's taking some 'time out' so I said that I'd handle tribal business from now on. Finally the voice of the jackal thing ended halfway through this meet." '''Sept positions/residents (incomplete)''' * Alpha: Fights-with-Savage-Heart - Fianna Ahroun Cliath * Beta: Undecided? * Cearn Warden: Fights-With-Thought - Silver Talon Ahroun Fostern * Den Father: Voice-of-Reason - Child of Gaia Galliard Metis Cliath * Ritemistress: Magpie Listens-to-the-dead - Silent Strider Theurgh Cliath * Keeper of the Bawn: MorrisWycombe * All other Sept positions still to be decided. * Glasswalkers: MorrisWycombe -Area Don/Chief type bloke, Plays-With-Fire (not turned up in a while) === Sept of the Twilight Star / Windsor === ChloeAnderton - just me & Hands here at present. Red Talons hold the fort, don't bring tech on the caern/bawn! Maintenance of veil should be scrupulous due to Windsor Great Park being open to the public... '''Sept positions & residents (incomplete)''' * Alpha: Claw of Gaia - Elder Ragabash Red Talon (lupus. duh) * Ritemaster: Hunts the Wyrm (aka 'The Chosen One') - Adren(?) Theurge Fianna Homid * Den Mother: Rachael Singer - Cliath Galliard Fianna Homid * Assistant Den Parent: James - Cliath Ragabash Fianna Homid, former cub... * Cubs: Steve/Scrappy - Fianna homids - think Scrappy is Ahroun; Vik - Silent Strider Ahroun (cold stuck up bloke, but doesn't seem able to help it...). Some lass in oriental get-up, didn't really get a chance to chat with her, not sure she's resident - Jade? === Sept of the Lost & Found / London === TalksPast- There's me and Jessica at present. Matteus kinda is sept alpha, but he's rarely around. My pack alpha is sept beta and with the way things are going, likely to become sept alpha if Matteus doesn't haul arse soon.[[BR]] One major thing though - if you break the veil in London without a damned good reason, I will personally blow your kneecaps off.[[BR]] Also, if you're going to bring your mobile with you, switch it to silent before you come to the caern, otherwise you'll lose it.[[BR]] '''Sept positions & residents (incomplete)''' * Alpha: (for now) Matteus Many Hooves, Adren Ahroun Silver Fang Homid. Nephew to Twice Dead * Beta: Duncan Farseer, Guards the Heart of Gaia, Athro Ahroun Fianna Homid. * Ritemistress: Argenna Heals With Peace, Elder Theurge Stargazer Metis. * Den Parent: Argenna or Speaks the Truth * Storm to Come: Duncan, Dog (Warlord of Albion, Elder Fianna Lupus Ahroun), Argenna, Talks Past === Sept of Gaia's Tears / Herts === Silvermoon's son Liam was under this sept's protection & was killed at the caern by a wyrm-thing. '''Sept positions & residents (incomplete)''' * Alpha - Hogan * Beta - Resolution === Sept of Mother's Wisdom / Solent === JJ Street Shadow's home patch. '''Sept positions & residents (incomplete)''' * Alpha - Standing Stone, Fianna Theurge * Beta - JJ? === Sept of Autumn Twilight / Sheffield === AlanMauritson- A long-established Caern of Tolerance (dedicated to an aspect of Dana) that's been held by a coalition of Fianna and Fenrir since goodness-knows-when. Glass Walkers are becoming an increasing part of the tribal mix here, but most of the reins are still held by the Fianna and Get.[[BR]] There used to be an urban Glass Walker caern further down the valley, but it was wiped out in the last decade. I've managed to dig up some of it's old records, and have been trying to sift relevant information out of it (kin families, tribal history, details of spiritual pacts and other fun stuff). [[BR]] The protectorate covers the city of Sheffield and nearby areas of South Yorkshire and the Peak District.[[BR]] '''Sept Positions & Residents''' * '''Alpha''': Anna ''Stands-in-Defiance...'' Stanisbowska (Fianna/Ahroun/Athro/Homid) * '''Beta''': AlanMauritson (''Returns-for-the-Sequel'') (Glass Walker/Galliard/Fostern/Homid) * '''Warder''': Leaps-thru-Fire (Get of Fenris/Galliard/Athro/Lupus) * '''Master of Challenges''': Thorfinn Faces-the-Enemy (Get of Fenris/Philodox/Athro/Homid) * '''Ritemaster''': Plans-with-Wisdom (Fianna/Theurge/Fostern/Homid) * '''Den-Parent''': JJ ''Kicks-Outta-Tune'' Maguire (Fianna/Ragabash/Elder/Homid) * '''Also worth noting''': Brandon (Ursine Gurahl Elder, advisor to Garou Elder Council) === Avebury === ChloeAnderton - '''Updates:''' * Now a caern. Not my fault. Wayland is caern totem? - Need to check that with Iduna. * Wayland weapons need bringing here. Pronto. 2 left to get - Solas (London?) & Elidor (Stratford) * Don't step in the umbral whirlwind. No, really! * Don't steal the lego. Again with the 'really!' The KLF: Bragi (Elder, Galliard, Get, Homid), Iduna (Athro, Theurge, Get, Homid), RuneClaws (Adren, Philodox, Get, Homid), Grant Baldur's Voice (Cliath, Ragabash, Get, Homid), Loki's Reaper (or something? not sure of details), Great Uncle Thorvald, Moonflower (Bragi's daughter - kin so far) + others? == Tribal Influences == === National === Media: MartinCross (very small amounts) === Local === ==== Oxford ==== Media: MartinCross[[BR]] Street: MartinCross[[BR]] University: MartinCross[[BR]] Transport: MartinCross[[BR]] Finance: MartinCross (slight), TalksPast (slight)[[BR]] Underworld: MartinCross (slight)[[BR]] Police: Songbird ==== London ==== Media: MartinCross, TalksPast[[BR]] Bureaucracy: TalksPast[[BR]] Legal: TalksPast (some)[[BR]] Transport: TalksPast (some)[[BR]] Police: TalksPast (some)[[BR]] Finance: TalksPast[[BR]] Politics: TalksPast (slight)[[BR]] Street: TalksPast (slight)[[BR]] ==== Stratford ==== Media: MartinCross (slight)[[BR]] ==== Dorking ==== Finance: MorrisWycombe (small)[[BR]] Bureacracy: MorrisWycombe (slight) == Tribal Contacts == ChloeAnderton - "I've got plenty of people I can get info from on the net - can't actually influence things that way, but it's certainly a broader base for gathering info from a variety of fields than the traditional old boy's network! I also know/know of several of the kin in London, though Aunt Jenny (Christian's mother who runs the pub) knows more." MartinCross - "Mages are the main one. Otherwise I seem to know everybody in Oxford or at least know somebody who knows the perso in oxford I want. Off on holiday to Hong Kong soon so might get some contacts with those of our tribe out there. Or others. I'm a people person so there may be more that are slipping my mind right now." TalksPast - "I've got a fairly good working relationship with Father London, and to a lesser extent, Father Thames. I'm also on pretty good terms with most of the city spirits as well as being reasonably well tied into some of London's gossip nets." == Things wot the Don wants remembering == * Steel Fang - Elder Ahroun Lupus GW in US...? * Learn Doppleganger * We need more traps, lots of traps * Project A320 * '''Update''': To get in contact with Red from Ireland. (Oh, the joy of being tribal secretary! - ChloeAnderton) ---- CategoryRoleplaying |
1. This page is a fictional page for a roleplaying game. None of the below is in any way true. If you are not a UK glasswalker you do *not* have access to this in character. If you are then you probably will. If in doubt or you want to know more please contact
2. If you've made a change to this and it doesn't seem to have worked, try a forced refresh in case of local caching. Any other problems, try looking at -- ChloeAnderton
1. Glasswalker Information Page
1.1. Who's who
1.1.1. Tabulated
Thanks to Alan Returns for The Sequel for putting info together...all in this list are Garou -- ChloeAnderton
Garou Name |
Sept |
Auspice |
Breed |
Rank |
Position |
Pack |
(OOC: Player) |
Hogan Risks-Life-and-Limb |
Gaia's Tears |
AH |
HO |
Fostern |
Sept Alpha |
Double Barrel(Uktena) |
Neill Cram |
Hands-the-Wyrm-It's-Ass |
Twilight Star |
AH |
HO |
Athro |
Tribal Alpha/Don |
? |
Steve Lloyd |
Extreme Prejudice |
? |
AH |
ME |
Adren |
Pack Beta |
Hostile Takeover(Clashing Boom Boom) |
Kevin Drugan |
Red The Walker |
Stag's Fury(Irl) |
AH |
LU |
Adren |
? |
? |
Sadhbh |
James Fights-With-Heart Jones |
Watchful Eye |
AH |
HO |
Cliath(?) |
? |
? |
Peter Callard |
Tom Strikes-With-Forethought |
Watchful Eye |
AH |
HO |
Cliath |
? |
Rising Star |
Joe Rooney |
Alan Returns-for-the-Sequel Mauritson |
Autumn Twilight |
GA |
HO |
Fostern |
Sept Beta, Pack Beta |
5-Short-a-6(Fox) |
Phil Hyde |
Richard Foot-In-The-Door Merryweather |
Autumn Twilight |
GA |
HO |
Cliath |
? |
Hogs of War(Boar) |
? |
Override Hacks-At-Wyrm |
Sleeping Lion |
PH |
HO |
Adren |
Sept Alpha |
Lion Rampant(Lion) |
James Watson |
Martin Stalks The Weaver's Shadow Cross |
Rose's Heart |
RG |
HO |
Adren |
Don of PR, Sept Alpha |
Guardians of the Heart(Stag) |
Chris Venus |
Songbird Alternating Current Gillies |
Rose's Heart |
RG |
HO |
Cliath |
- |
Packless |
Sarah Bouchier |
Ian Talks Past Denford |
Lost and Found |
RG |
HO |
Adren |
Don of Business |
Storm to Come (East Wind) |
Nick Brunskill |
Ctrl Alt Del |
Anruth |
RG |
HO |
Adren |
?? |
Hostile Takeover(Clashing Boom Boom) |
Rich |
J.J. Streets Shadow |
Mother's Wisdom |
RG |
HO |
Adren |
Sept Beta |
Last Stand |
John Barber |
Morris Speaks-with-soft-heart Wycombe |
Winding Thorn |
RG |
HO |
Cliath |
? |
? |
James Humphery |
Billy Bob |
Lost and Found |
RG |
HO |
Cliath |
? |
Camp: Dies Ultimae |
Anthony Wade |
Bakura Blood-Tracker |
Autumn Twilight |
TH |
HO |
Cliath |
? |
Hogs of War(Boar) |
? |
Sleeps With The Fishes |
Muddy Waters(Aus) |
TH |
LU |
Adren |
? |
? |
? |
Spanner In The Works |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Chris Benton |
? |
TH |
? |
Cliath |
? |
Hostile Takeover(Clashing Boom Boom) |
Matt Hope |
Chloe |
Twilight Star |
TH |
HO |
Cub |
Don w/o Portfolio |
Packless |
Caroline Pearson |
Ben Looks-To-The-Future Whitlaw |
Grey Waters |
TH |
HO |
Cliath |
? |
Luna's Shield |
Jon Brown |
Jonathan 404 Quickfall |
Anruth |
TH |
ME |
Cliath |
? |
Hostile Takeover(Clashing Boom Boom) |
? |
1.1.2. Garou
All homid unless otherwise stated
- Hands the Wyrm its ass (aka Hands the Fenrir his creditcard) - Athro Ahroun - Head of tribe in the UK (The Don)
MartinCross, Stalks the Weaver's Shadow - Adren ragabash - Alpha of Sept of the Rose's Heart, Beta of tribe in the UK, Don of PR
- Control Alt Delete - Adren Ragabash
- Ian Denford aka Talks Past - Adren Ragabash, Don of Business
- Songbird, Alternating Current - Cliath Ragabash
ChloeAnderton - Cub Theurge - Don w/o Portfolio
- 404 aka Jonathan Quickfall- Cliath Theurge (Metis)
- Extreme Prejudice - Cliath Ahroun (Metis)
- James Jones - Cub Ahroun
- J.J. Streets Shadow - Fostern Ragabash
AlanMauritson, Returns-For-The-Sequel - Fostern Galliard
MorrisWycombe, Speaks-with-soft-heart - Cliath Ragabash
- Plays-with-fire - Cliath Ragabash
1.1.3. Kin
- Christian Anderton (Journo) - One of the Dons of Intelligence
1.2. Current Issues
1.2.1. The apocalypse (and related stories)
The red star is out, phoenix has called together his silver pack. The last battle is due to begin very very soon... Lunar Eclipse 8th/9th November 2003
MartinCross - "Felt decidedly odd. Things looked very scary in the umbra with the Red Star being about the only source of light at one point. Not a spirit to be seen which probably says a little something."
ChloeAnderton - This occurred as predicted by astronomers. Anyone got any info on what effect Lunar Eclipses usually have on spirits/in the umbra?
TalksPast - In London it was rather unpleasant. There were times I could feel my Rage slipping away, and times when it did. Then there were all the riots in town. Winter Solstice 2003
ChloeAnderton - All seasonal rites failed, second Red Star appeared in the sky. Buckle up, think the ride's about to get rockier...
MorrisWycombe - The sept of the winding thorns (us at Dorking) might have screwed up a little here... HollyKingAndOakKing
1.2.2. Ley Green
- Three cubs in the town went through first change. One more (at least) in the asylum centre. All have been talked to and rehabilitated.
- The asylum center is to be closed down.
- Gurahl found there who is likely to be a valuable ally
1.2.3. Black Spiral Dancers
- Causing big problems in London, Stratford and Ediburgh
- Killed Silvermoon in the sense that the once good garou known as Silvermoon is no more and in her place stands a black spiral dancer probably.
- Very hard to find for unknown reason
Got a plan on these. Gnosis and knowledge of computers and/or stone circles a plus. Not being on the KLF's blacklist, and ability to get to the Avebury area for the anniversary a requirement. Mail me if you want in, BYOB. Update - plan definitely has potential. Got distracted by Wayland turning up & Avebury becoming a kick-arse caern. Y know how it goes... -- ChloeAnderton
1.2.4. London Riots
TalksPast knows something about these...?
1.3. Places
1.3.1. Sept of the Rose's Heart / Oxford
MartinCross - "The sept's main notable factor is its alliance with mages (aka namers). This works well for us generally and has caused no problems to date. The elders are not as happy about this though."
ChloeAnderton - Update: May have become more of a problem. Get in contact with Talks Past (others who commented at TS moot - Jade & Walks his Own Path - may be also able to give info) about what happened at London re 'Ben Bryant' in concert - namer, went all wyrmy, summoned things from dungeon dimensions, &tc. Probably better if you hear it first hand though, since I've not got the full story. End result though, two high-ranking Red Talons (Claw & Grinder) are recommending that, since a bunch of non-wyrm mages turned up to take down a wyrm-mage, they must get stronger if they get corrupted, so best to take them out beforehand... Your man Heart of the Future seems to have been landed with the position of 'keeping an eye on them', having got out of aany further obligation by pointing out that a namer had saved his dad's life - debt of honour & all that. If you don't want him keeping an eye, make sure he isn't in a position to be able to; if you do, make it easy for him
ChloeAnderton - "Is Walks-His-Own-Path a member of this sept?"
Sept positions/residents (incomplete)
- Alpha: Martin Cross
- Beta: Cat's Graces
- Den Mother: Cat's Graces
- Martin Heart of the Future - Cliath(?) Philodox.
1.3.2. Sept of the Winding Thorns / Dorking
MorrisWycombe - "The caern was recently reawakened by J-The-Listener. Silvermoon was denmother until meeting the dancers, Now Fights with Savage Heart has that honour. Also we have probably the youngest Rite Master in Magpie (Silent Strider Cliath only just done rite of passage but the only theurge we have!)"
MartinCross - "For better or for worse I have a deal with a Chaos Monitor, a powerful Weaver Spirit, in this Sept's territory. The garou are not to enter the area claimed by the weaver where I believe a caern used to be. If I ever hear that they do I believe my life will be immediately forfeit. Yeah, useful knowledge for those wanting to assassinate me but I don't think that's anybody here."
ChloeAnderton - "STOP-PRESS - Martin, Hands and I have been negotiating with the Chaos Monitor & its minions all afternoon (16/11/03) after certain rules about expansion were taken rather literally (specifically, that the limits on expansion were taken to only apply at ground level...). We're talking oh-shit-need-to-chat-to-the-Elder-Council and guns-big-fucking-guns! More when I've slept, I'm totally knackered after hacking together a quick & dirty spirit speech translator, wading through sewers, making sure nobody got killed...y'know, the usual. Will kick Hands and make sure he gets the info to the Elder Council pronto..."
MorrisWycombe - "Embarrasingly myself, Fights-with-Thought, Fights-with-Savage-Heart etc. basically a load of cliath have been punished with voice of the Jackal, due to us not having informed J-The-Listener about the Stag telling us the cearn needed help from the Holly King, when J was absent one month.
MorrisWycombe - "As of December the sept positions have changed: J stepped down and invited challenges. Myself, Fights-with-Thought and Fights-with-Savage-Heart challenged. It was close so they told me, but in the end Fights-with-Savage-Heart was chosen. Also I checked up on Plays-With-Fire and she's taking some 'time out' so I said that I'd handle tribal business from now on. Finally the voice of the jackal thing ended halfway through this meet."
Sept positions/residents (incomplete)
- Alpha: Fights-with-Savage-Heart - Fianna Ahroun Cliath
- Beta: Undecided?
- Cearn Warden: Fights-With-Thought - Silver Talon Ahroun Fostern
- Den Father: Voice-of-Reason - Child of Gaia Galliard Metis Cliath
- Ritemistress: Magpie Listens-to-the-dead - Silent Strider Theurgh Cliath
Keeper of the Bawn: MorrisWycombe
- All other Sept positions still to be decided.
Glasswalkers: MorrisWycombe -Area Don/Chief type bloke, Plays-With-Fire (not turned up in a while)
1.3.3. Sept of the Twilight Star / Windsor
ChloeAnderton - just me & Hands here at present. Red Talons hold the fort, don't bring tech on the caern/bawn! Maintenance of veil should be scrupulous due to Windsor Great Park being open to the public...
Sept positions & residents (incomplete)
- Alpha: Claw of Gaia - Elder Ragabash Red Talon (lupus. duh)
- Ritemaster: Hunts the Wyrm (aka 'The Chosen One') - Adren(?) Theurge Fianna Homid
- Den Mother: Rachael Singer - Cliath Galliard Fianna Homid
- Assistant Den Parent: James - Cliath Ragabash Fianna Homid, former cub...
- Cubs: Steve/Scrappy - Fianna homids - think Scrappy is Ahroun; Vik - Silent Strider Ahroun (cold stuck up bloke, but doesn't seem able to help it...). Some lass in oriental get-up, didn't really get a chance to chat with her, not sure she's resident - Jade?
1.3.4. Sept of the Lost & Found / London
TalksPast- There's me and Jessica at present. Matteus kinda is sept alpha, but he's rarely around. My pack alpha is sept beta and with the way things are going, likely to become sept alpha if Matteus doesn't haul arse soon.BR One major thing though - if you break the veil in London without a damned good reason, I will personally blow your kneecaps off.BR Also, if you're going to bring your mobile with you, switch it to silent before you come to the caern, otherwise you'll lose it.BR
Sept positions & residents (incomplete)
- Alpha: (for now) Matteus Many Hooves, Adren Ahroun Silver Fang Homid. Nephew to Twice Dead
- Beta: Duncan Farseer, Guards the Heart of Gaia, Athro Ahroun Fianna Homid.
- Ritemistress: Argenna Heals With Peace, Elder Theurge Stargazer Metis.
- Den Parent: Argenna or Speaks the Truth
- Storm to Come: Duncan, Dog (Warlord of Albion, Elder Fianna Lupus Ahroun), Argenna, Talks Past
1.3.5. Sept of Gaia's Tears / Herts
Silvermoon's son Liam was under this sept's protection & was killed at the caern by a wyrm-thing.
Sept positions & residents (incomplete)
- Alpha - Hogan
- Beta - Resolution
1.3.6. Sept of Mother's Wisdom / Solent
JJ Street Shadow's home patch.
Sept positions & residents (incomplete)
- Alpha - Standing Stone, Fianna Theurge
- Beta - JJ?
1.3.7. Sept of Autumn Twilight / Sheffield
AlanMauritson- A long-established Caern of Tolerance (dedicated to an aspect of Dana) that's been held by a coalition of Fianna and Fenrir since goodness-knows-when. Glass Walkers are becoming an increasing part of the tribal mix here, but most of the reins are still held by the Fianna and Get.BR There used to be an urban Glass Walker caern further down the valley, but it was wiped out in the last decade. I've managed to dig up some of it's old records, and have been trying to sift relevant information out of it (kin families, tribal history, details of spiritual pacts and other fun stuff). BR The protectorate covers the city of Sheffield and nearby areas of South Yorkshire and the Peak District.BR
Sept Positions & Residents
Alpha: Anna Stands-in-Defiance... Stanisbowska (Fianna/Ahroun/Athro/Homid)
Beta: AlanMauritson (Returns-for-the-Sequel) (Glass Walker/Galliard/Fostern/Homid)
Warder: Leaps-thru-Fire (Get of Fenris/Galliard/Athro/Lupus)
Master of Challenges: Thorfinn Faces-the-Enemy (Get of Fenris/Philodox/Athro/Homid)
Ritemaster: Plans-with-Wisdom (Fianna/Theurge/Fostern/Homid)
Den-Parent: JJ Kicks-Outta-Tune Maguire (Fianna/Ragabash/Elder/Homid)
Also worth noting: Brandon (Ursine Gurahl Elder, advisor to Garou Elder Council)
1.3.8. Avebury
ChloeAnderton - Updates:
- Now a caern. Not my fault. Wayland is caern totem? - Need to check that with Iduna.
Wayland weapons need bringing here. Pronto. 2 left to get - Solas (London?) & Elidor (Stratford)
- Don't step in the umbral whirlwind. No, really!
- Don't steal the lego. Again with the 'really!'
The KLF: Bragi (Elder, Galliard, Get, Homid), Iduna (Athro, Theurge, Get, Homid), RuneClaws (Adren, Philodox, Get, Homid), Grant Baldur's Voice (Cliath, Ragabash, Get, Homid), Loki's Reaper (or something? not sure of details), Great Uncle Thorvald, Moonflower (Bragi's daughter - kin so far) + others?
1.4. Tribal Influences
1.4.1. National
Media: MartinCross (very small amounts)
1.4.2. Local Oxford
Media: MartinCrossBR Street: MartinCrossBR University: MartinCrossBR Transport: MartinCrossBR Finance: MartinCross (slight), TalksPast (slight)BR Underworld: MartinCross (slight)BR Police: Songbird London
Media: MartinCross, TalksPastBR Bureaucracy: TalksPastBR Legal: TalksPast (some)BR Transport: TalksPast (some)BR Police: TalksPast (some)BR Finance: TalksPastBR Politics: TalksPast (slight)BR Street: TalksPast (slight)BR Stratford
Media: MartinCross (slight)BR Dorking
Finance: MorrisWycombe (small)BR Bureacracy: MorrisWycombe (slight)
1.5. Tribal Contacts
ChloeAnderton - "I've got plenty of people I can get info from on the net - can't actually influence things that way, but it's certainly a broader base for gathering info from a variety of fields than the traditional old boy's network! I also know/know of several of the kin in London, though Aunt Jenny (Christian's mother who runs the pub) knows more."
MartinCross - "Mages are the main one. Otherwise I seem to know everybody in Oxford or at least know somebody who knows the perso in oxford I want. Off on holiday to Hong Kong soon so might get some contacts with those of our tribe out there. Or others. I'm a people person so there may be more that are slipping my mind right now."
TalksPast - "I've got a fairly good working relationship with Father London, and to a lesser extent, Father Thames. I'm also on pretty good terms with most of the city spirits as well as being reasonably well tied into some of London's gossip nets."
1.6. Things wot the Don wants remembering
- Steel Fang - Elder Ahroun Lupus GW in US...?
- Learn Doppleganger
- We need more traps, lots of traps
- Project A320
Update: To get in contact with Red from Ireland.
(Oh, the joy of being tribal secretary! - ChloeAnderton)