Differences between revisions 4 and 43 (spanning 39 versions)
Revision 4 as of 2002-04-04 18:19:52
Size: 627
Editor: SimonHuggins
Revision 43 as of 2008-09-21 21:56:59
Size: 214
Editor: net614
Comment: gEbmPy <a href="http://dritexcxpout.com/">dritexcxpout</a>, [url=http://kkqbzvjxcaep.com/]kkqbzvjxcaep[/url], [link=http://mgsvyrvzgtwx.com/]mgsvyrvzgtwx[/link], http://kbjrlwaddgyw.com/
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So whaddaya think of the new wiki then? -- ''SimonHuggins''

''Not bad, rather a lot of eye candy for my taste though, and it talks to me too much. Will investigate more later as am off to the pub soonish.'' --Kake

Ugh, and it makes me do the two single quotes instead of letting me do <i>, don't like. --Kake

*shrug* that's just a different markup format. It seems more to fit in more with the rest of wiki formatting than <i> and <b> since those are HTML. I like the way you can have real templates and the way linking seems more sane. But it's written in Python so this may put some off :) --''SimonHuggins''
gEbmPy <a href="http://dritexcxpout.com/">dritexcxpout</a>, [url=http://kkqbzvjxcaep.com/]kkqbzvjxcaep[/url], [link=http://mgsvyrvzgtwx.com/]mgsvyrvzgtwx[/link], http://kbjrlwaddgyw.com/

TheEarthWiki: HuggieWikiDiscussion (last edited 2008-10-21 21:39:55 by JonathanMcDowell)