
I've upgraded moin for security reasons and feature reasons. It was quite a jump so there may be a few bugs to iron out yet.

Any issues please add them here. In a fit of amazing timing I'm not around much tomorrow (31st) but I've been meaning to get this done for a while so please forgive me. Normal service will resume as soon as you all report all the bugs.

Known Issues

Login issues

Due to the upgrade you should now set a password in order to login via UserPreferences as usual. People with ACLs will want to get their old username back. The best way is to ask SimonHuggins for your uid on IRC or by mail or something.

Then visit where nnnnn is your uid (well it's longer than that but you get the idea.

If you bookmarked the link from before then it should still work.

Admin issues

Delete page hasn't been resurrected - need to look at the implications of this.