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Revision 1 as of 2006-03-01 19:14:23
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Editor: 249
Revision 2 as of 2006-03-01 19:16:35
Size: 393
Editor: squizzel
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'kim' and 'andy' both left Oxford in July 2005. They now live in tabland, where andy is doing a PhD in Chemistry. They will hopefully be married on 29th July 2006.

OxIRC is an Internet Relay Chat server intended for use by current and former Oxford University students, and their friends. First founded in 1999, the server features rooms such as #keble, a haven for injokes and acronyms.

'kim' and 'andy' both left Oxford in July 2005. They now live in tabland, where andy is doing a PhD in Chemistry. They will hopefully be married on 29th July 2006.

TheEarthWiki: OxIRC (last edited 2010-06-17 17:13:23 by host86-159-99-201)