Differences between revisions 17 and 28 (spanning 11 versions)
Revision 17 as of 2004-11-27 11:39:34
Size: 846
Editor: oucs-yeates
Revision 28 as of 2008-02-19 15:39:13
Size: 1416
Editor: localhost
Comment: converted to 1.6 markup
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 * Nick Burch - November? - Network monitoring with Nagios
 * Paul Warren - December - UML hosting
* Dominic, Stuart, Nick - PGP/Thawte/CAcert keysigning/intro to crypto? Maybe joint next term with Compsoc. Ideally a twin event, one educating about crypto / keysigning / etc and one a day/week later at which we do actual keysignings. It would also be great if we could find a way to include many PGP users in Oxford who aren't part of the web of trust, without spamming them, of course. SY.
 * Dominic, Stuart, Nick - PGP/Thawte/CAcert keysigning/intro to crypto? Maybe joint next term with Compsoc. Ideally a twin event, one educating about crypto / keysigning / etc and one a day/week later at which we do actual keysignings. It would also be great if we could find a way to include many PGP users in Oxford who aren't part of the web of trust, without spamming them, of course. SY. Worth mentioning such an event on [[http://www.biglumber.com/|Biglumber]].
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 * Simon Dales - PANO (image substitution system). Half-length.
 * JonMasters - I could do another talk if needed (kernel/porting/embedded/community)

People we could invite:
 * Xen? e.g. Ian Pratt (Cambridge)
 * Alan Cox? (Swansea)
 * Jono Bacon? KDE / Lugradio (Wolverhampton)
 * Phil Hands? (London)
 * Thom May? Something Ubuntu (London)
 * Steve Coast? Geodata (London)
 * Matthew Garrett? ACPI? Dasher? (Cambridge)
 * Tom Cosgrove? OpenBSD/security (London; ex-Oxf phys)
 * Ivan Ristic? (Apache Security, via O'Reilly)
 * Simon Biles? (SNORT Cookbook, via O'Reilly)
  • James Davis - security talk of some sort, date undecided. JD: I apologise for being late on this one, I've been ill most of the summer and haven't fully recovered to the stage where I can stand up and talk for an hour or so as yet. I am preparing the talk, if anyone has any ideas please get in touch.
  • Dominic, Stuart, Nick - PGP/Thawte/CAcert keysigning/intro to crypto? Maybe joint next term with Compsoc. Ideally a twin event, one educating about crypto / keysigning / etc and one a day/week later at which we do actual keysignings. It would also be great if we could find a way to include many PGP users in Oxford who aren't part of the web of trust, without spamming them, of course. SY. Worth mentioning such an event on Biglumber.

  • Wireless networking talk/workshop/demo
  • Simon Dales - PANO (image substitution system). Half-length.
  • JonMasters - I could do another talk if needed (kernel/porting/embedded/community)

People we could invite:

  • Xen? e.g. Ian Pratt (Cambridge)
  • Alan Cox? (Swansea)
  • Jono Bacon? KDE / Lugradio (Wolverhampton)
  • Phil Hands? (London)
  • Thom May? Something Ubuntu (London)
  • Steve Coast? Geodata (London)
  • Matthew Garrett? ACPI? Dasher? (Cambridge)
  • Tom Cosgrove? OpenBSD/security (London; ex-Oxf phys)
  • Ivan Ristic? (Apache Security, via O'Reilly)
  • Simon Biles? (SNORT Cookbook, via O'Reilly)

TheEarthWiki: OxLUGEventOrganisation (last edited 2010-10-20 11:31:01 by 188)