Differences between revisions 38 and 43 (spanning 5 versions)
Revision 38 as of 2009-01-27 13:16:14
Size: 1545
Editor: smtp-uk
Revision 43 as of 2009-11-11 20:34:46
Size: 1550
Comment: Let's start the ball rolling.
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## page was copied from EarthlingsBirthdayMeal2009
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And then Caffe Uno (somewhere) And then Caffe Uno on Binney Street at 8pm (W1K 5BN)
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Earthlings who are unsure:
 1. David Woolger (probably will make it though)
 1. Simon Chatterjee (ditto)
 1. Simon Chatterjee
 1. David woolger

The Earthlings Birthday Meal 2009 will be held on Saturday 7th February 2009.

This will be the 11th birthday, the 8th birthday meal.

Meet at: Pontefract Castle on Wigmore Street (W1U 1QB) from 6pm

And then Caffe Uno on Binney Street at 8pm (W1K 5BN)

Earthlings who will Attend:

  1. David Sheldon
  2. DominicHargreaves

  3. Angharad Fenton-May
  4. Tristam Fenton-May
  5. Tim Bagot
  6. David Ball
  7. Tim Bond
  8. JonathanMcDowell (not in California)

  9. Stephen White
  10. Tim Ricketts
  11. Caroline Berry
  12. Ian Lynagh
  13. Tom Womack
  14. Amanda Kerr-Munslow
  15. GaneshSittampalam

  16. Matthew Byng-Maddick
  17. Martin Ling
  18. Jon Chin
  19. Simon Chatterjee
  20. David woolger

Earthlings who can't make it:

  1. SimonHuggins (in Las Vegas with work (don't ask))

  2. Alex Gough (Antarctica)
  3. DaveHiggins (Oman/Afghanistan from 2 Jan to 15 Feb)

  4. Mike Mason
  5. Kake Pugh
  6. Nick Burch
  7. PatrickMoore

  8. JamesGreen

  9. Juliet Kemp (Australia)
  10. Janet McKnight (sorry, tickets already booked for gig in Oxford)

  11. ChrisVenus - failing at life with double bookings - thing that was going to make me late is actually just going to make it stupidly impractical. :(

Earthlings who haven't stated one way or t'other:

  1. Socks
  2. Mike Ricketts
  3. Arthur Bullard
  4. Niall Harrison
  5. Adrian Chadd
  6. Stuart Adamson
  7. Paul Duff
  8. Meryki AK Horton
  9. Toby Jaffey
  10. Roland Kay
  11. Rebecca Luckraft
  12. Caroline Pearson

TheEarthWiki: EarthlingsBirthdayMeal2011 (last edited 2011-02-11 20:54:58 by 78-105-231-65)