Differences between revisions 14 and 17 (spanning 3 versions)
Revision 14 as of 2002-10-04 14:40:59
Size: 1586
Editor: inktomi4-not
Comment: Take mickey out of Simon a little
Revision 17 as of 2003-05-12 11:16:01
Size: 4470
Editor: inktomi6-not
Comment: just change layout a bit - can't make it look like Simon's
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Feel free to discuss random issues with the wiki somewhere below here. Keeping the format probably helps. #pragma section-numbers off
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Huggie - you should write your news the other way up - so that the latest is on top... that way when I look at it I
won't think you wrote the last entry in April... --''AlexWalker''
Feel free to discuss random issues with the wiki somewhere below here. Keeping some sensible format probably helps.
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I don't think people read the news anyway and I don't really keep it much up to date but I'll bear it in mind. --''SimonHuggins'' = HuggieWikiDiscussion =
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I read it, though you never update it. :P --''JonathanMcDowell''  I think this wiki is a failure.
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Hmm... this all sounds oh so very familiar ... 0~=) --''PatrickMoore''  Or at least it feels that way. I guess I must have some idealism left in me because I thought that in some way people might see this as an interesting thing, you know, somewhere you can add your own content and improve the existing content. I definitely used to be more idealistic after all I thought AcronymExpansions was a good idea (see the top of that page) once but I can see it really isn't now.
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Look it's updated and the right way round and everything! -- ''SimonHuggins''  It's a bit like the FAQ I started for Parinux based on questions asked (and asked again) on the Linux mailing list. That FAQ may have helped people but I certainly never got the feedback for it that I thought I would. Feedback would have been useful to improve it but eventually I grew less interested in it and didn't have time to summarise questions on the list. Somehow I believed that having somewhere which was easier to edit would help people contribute and I fell in love with wikis. The wiki has been useful and groups have used it in the past effectively but often only for one page or a subset of pages without venturing outside. (e.g. EarthlingsInfo, ["NottLUG"] - mostly just the members list, ["OxLUG"] - mostly for the installfest stuff, the DebianExpoList)
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 I can't force people to use it nor would I want to but it's a shame to see it not really being used to its full potential. I guess earthlings are the people (besides me) who use it most. I think what I would really consider a success is when I look at RecentChanges and the top changes aren't me and aren't spam. I don't really know what that means. I guess I feel that CategoryComputingTips could be a lot more useful - there is after all a lot more knowledge out there - but that I don't really know how to make it so and without other people helping lack the motivation after all if no one is participating surely no one can be reading and yet there are people reading (well according to the webstats) and they can't ''all'' be just me.
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If you really want news, then you should use [http://www.moveabletype.org/ Movable Type], that's what I use on [http://www.x3ja.co.uk/ My site]. It's really really good and really flexible, although probably not quite as flexible as a Wiki... erm, was that just a shameless plug for some software I like? Maybe. Oh yes, it makes it easier to keep a news page up to date when it's easy and looks good. That's why I said it, yes. --''AlexWalker''  Equally I'm not sure why people would add information here. I mean, I don't know what this wiki has over others (apart from the earthling/nottlug/oxlug connections) and I don't have an idea of a particular category of information that people would be very likely to add to either. I'm lacking a killer sales pitch. Maybe we could start a tradition that for every page you view you have to add some interesting comment somewhere a bit like an Ob''''''Hack. But that's a little too structured really.
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Yes, Alex I probably should investigate it but I don't really want people to be able to comment on my news and I find the way it opens new windows and so on a bit annoying. Plus I don't ''have'' that much news. -- ''SimonHuggins''  I don't mean to say that this is going away (though if you think it should feel free to say so :) ) and I also don't mean to be ungrateful for those that have contributed. Various friends of mine have added their bits or made existing pages better which is much appreciated.
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Uncheck the "Allow comments" box and edit the link from a Javascript new window link to a normal one like I did the other day. But yes, you probably don't have as interesting a life as me so you probably wouldn't need it. --''AlexWalker''  It just feels slightly as though there's this great potential here that is going unharnessed. Maybe that's my idealism again.

 -- ''SimonHuggins''

== Comments ==

I can see what you mean, and I have quite often set things up with the idealistic impression that everyone will find them useful. Mostly it's been stuff to do with [http://www.crossfire.org.uk Crossfire], namely a couple of attempts to get a discussion list running and, more recently, seeing if people were interested in [http://www.crossfire.org.uk/forums/ forums]. Even the [http://www.x3ja.co.uk. forums] on my own site only really get used when I set up a topic and tell people about it - it doesn't just get looked at. I also know that Graham set up some forums for ex-Jubilee campus (one campus of [http://www.nott.ac.uk/ Uni of Nottingham]) but that they don't really get many hits.

I guess, as you say, all these things lack a major selling point. Maybe we need some help from a marketing guru :D

Having said that, I found that my [http://www.x3ja.co.uk blog] along with others I host, have been rather successful. Although I kind of ran blogs on old websites, it was never the focus. I guess that's the major selling point for that isn't it? Think I might use my blog to advertise my forums a bit more :)

Anyway, just my thoughts and empathisations (is that a word?!)

 -- "AlexWalker"

## Suggested (but not forced) comment format. Might be a good idea to indent/not indent alternate comments.
## My Comment -- ''SomeOne''

Feel free to discuss random issues with the wiki somewhere below here. Keeping some sensible format probably helps.


  • I think this wiki is a failure.

    Or at least it feels that way. I guess I must have some idealism left in me because I thought that in some way people might see this as an interesting thing, you know, somewhere you can add your own content and improve the existing content. I definitely used to be more idealistic after all I thought AcronymExpansions was a good idea (see the top of that page) once but I can see it really isn't now.

    It's a bit like the FAQ I started for Parinux based on questions asked (and asked again) on the Linux mailing list. That FAQ may have helped people but I certainly never got the feedback for it that I thought I would. Feedback would have been useful to improve it but eventually I grew less interested in it and didn't have time to summarise questions on the list. Somehow I believed that having somewhere which was easier to edit would help people contribute and I fell in love with wikis. The wiki has been useful and groups have used it in the past effectively but often only for one page or a subset of pages without venturing outside. (e.g. EarthlingsInfo, ["NottLUG"] - mostly just the members list, ["OxLUG"] - mostly for the installfest stuff, the DebianExpoList)

    I can't force people to use it nor would I want to but it's a shame to see it not really being used to its full potential. I guess earthlings are the people (besides me) who use it most. I think what I would really consider a success is when I look at RecentChanges and the top changes aren't me and aren't spam. I don't really know what that means. I guess I feel that CategoryComputingTips could be a lot more useful - there is after all a lot more knowledge out there - but that I don't really know how to make it so and without other people helping lack the motivation after all if no one is participating surely no one can be reading and yet there are people reading (well according to the webstats) and they can't all be just me.

    Equally I'm not sure why people would add information here. I mean, I don't know what this wiki has over others (apart from the earthling/nottlug/oxlug connections) and I don't have an idea of a particular category of information that people would be very likely to add to either. I'm lacking a killer sales pitch. Maybe we could start a tradition that for every page you view you have to add some interesting comment somewhere a bit like an ObHack. But that's a little too structured really.

    I don't mean to say that this is going away (though if you think it should feel free to say so :) ) and I also don't mean to be ungrateful for those that have contributed. Various friends of mine have added their bits or made existing pages better which is much appreciated. It just feels slightly as though there's this great potential here that is going unharnessed. Maybe that's my idealism again.

    -- SimonHuggins


I can see what you mean, and I have quite often set things up with the idealistic impression that everyone will find them useful. Mostly it's been stuff to do with [http://www.crossfire.org.uk Crossfire], namely a couple of attempts to get a discussion list running and, more recently, seeing if people were interested in [http://www.crossfire.org.uk/forums/ forums]. Even the [http://www.x3ja.co.uk. forums] on my own site only really get used when I set up a topic and tell people about it - it doesn't just get looked at. I also know that Graham set up some forums for ex-Jubilee campus (one campus of [http://www.nott.ac.uk/ Uni of Nottingham]) but that they don't really get many hits.

I guess, as you say, all these things lack a major selling point. Maybe we need some help from a marketing guru :D

Having said that, I found that my [http://www.x3ja.co.uk blog] along with others I host, have been rather successful. Although I kind of ran blogs on old websites, it was never the focus. I guess that's the major selling point for that isn't it? Think I might use my blog to advertise my forums a bit more :)

Anyway, just my thoughts and empathisations (is that a word?!)

TheEarthWiki: HuggieWikiDiscussion (last edited 2008-10-21 21:39:55 by JonathanMcDowell)