Differences between revisions 6 and 40 (spanning 34 versions)
Revision 6 as of 2004-01-25 00:13:43
Size: 1178
Editor: SimonHuggins
Comment: More on Sharp MM1110
Revision 40 as of 2007-03-09 12:12:05
Size: 1320
Editor: 222
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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=== Sony Vaio U1 / U3 / U101 ===


U1 = Crusoe 700mhz, 256mb ram, 15gb disc, 6" TFT.

nat use to have one.

SubNotebooks available in the UK

This page is intended to keep track of subnotebooks (anything with a 10.4" screen or smaller really) available in the UK. There seem to be quite a limited selection of these; certainly nowhere near the number in Japan or in the US via importers like [http://www.dynamism.com/].

JVC Mini-Note


P-III 933MHz/1GHz, 8.9" TFT

Sharp PC-MM1110

Crusoe 1GHz, 10.4" TFT

I can't find this anywhere but PC World, no mention of it on Sharp's website that I can see.

Acer TravelMate C111TCi

[http://www.acer.co.uk/] Follow link to "Notebooks" and there are several TravelMates near the bottom.

P-III 1GHz, 10.4" TFT

Fujitsu LifeBook P5020


P-III 1GHz, 10.6" TFT (3.3 lbs though == 1.5 kgs)

There's a Crusoe based system (Lifebook P1000) which is only 2.2 lbs == 1 kg supposedly.

Sony Vaio U1 / U3 / U101


U1 = Crusoe 700mhz, 256mb ram, 15gb disc, 6" TFT.

nat use to have one.

TheEarthWiki: SubNotebooks (last edited 2008-02-19 15:39:25 by localhost)