1. About
1.1. Name
Dave Noble, aka daven, David Noble, Dave, Mr. Noble, D. or just OI!
1.2. Location
Norwich, UK
1.3. Age
1.4. Languages
English, Dutch, German, French (badly), tries to learn Norwegian, but can't ever find time.
2. Does What?
2.1. Education
Student at City College Norwich. Does Maths and Photography there. Already has A-levels in IT, German and Physics.
2.2. Work
Part time employee of Warehouse Express. Freelance Runner / Sound Engineer / Sound Recordist
3. Contact on the Net
=== Electronic Mail ===
dave <at> mrdaven <dot> mine <dot> nu
davidwnoble <at> gmail <dot> com
3.1. IRC handle
daven -- hangs out on irc.oftc.net, irc.freenode.net, irc.questionablecontent.net and a few others.
3.2. Website
4. Free Time
4.1. Computers
- Interested since early age in computers / electronics
Mainly into networking, but does some programming for own purposes and learning. Would eventually like to do CompSci degree.
- Can code some assembler, some C, some C++, quite comfortable with PHP and HTML (should learn more CSS), comfortable with bash scripting.
- Would like to improve skills, and become DD at some point, however due to time constraints at the moment is unable to.
4.2. Photography
- Enjoys Photography
- Owns DSLR, 35mm SLR, will take photos for free when interested.
4.3. Sound
- Enjoys sound (Music and theatrical) recording, mixing live and post-production with video. Has worked for Telegenic as runner on Fish'o'Mania X and other productions. Has good knowledge of professional video/sound standards.